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New ideas and solutions or just rediscovering old truths? Management role in modern world

Tomasz Zema

Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Poland

ul. Komandorska 118/120, 53-345 Wrocław


ORCID: 0000-0003-0051-6579

David Rivero

University of Business in Wroclaw, Poland

ul. Ostrowskiego 22, 53-238 Wrocław


received:  10.11.2020
corrected:  22.11.2020
theories, management, organization, education, teaching, learning.


Management is a multidisciplinary science, because it uses the best principles from other disciplines to create a  solid theory and be consistent with current business reality. The process of adapting to new (business and natural) environmental conditions opens the door to new ideas and viewpoints that enrich, and in some cases replace, previous administrative guidelines and managerial implications. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the major ideas used both in theory and practice to explain phenomena of modern business world. The major finding of this papers is that, these theories were true long ago, but they do not represent the ideal continuity of teaching new management, and they need to be adapted to the new paradigmatic reality. These are also aspects that contribute to the apotheosis of knowledge and finally the formulation and generation of new realities. In this sense, we can consider the new manager to be a  knowledge activator. Today, management is based on conceptual foundations that require knowledge in new fundamental areas, efficiency, decentralization and even a  proecological approach. Then, new requirements, people’s leadership and quality of life are part of a new role in the 21st century, which management has to fulfill. Without the knowledge gained in the history of managing organizations, society would suffer what it has already overcome in the past.


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