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Problems, Challenges and Directions of Education Development in Bielawa commune

Anna Tutaj

Academy of Applied Sciences Angelus Silesius in Wałbrzych, Wałbrzych, Poland


ORCID: 0000-0002-6170-2458

education system, education development strategy, local development strategies, educational policy, Bielawa commune.


received:   14.05.2022
corrected:  21.05.2022
accepted: 30.05.2022

The aim of the article, based on the Education Development Strategy of the Bielawa commune, developed by the Max Weber Institute, is a description of the state, problems, challenges and directions for the development of education in this commune. The article defines, on the basis of research and social consultations, the main strategic and operational goals, necessary for the development of education in the Bielawa commune, adopted until 2030.


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