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Methods of evaluation of the effectiveness of quality management systems

Piotr Gudz

Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Institute of Economics and Humanities, Department of Management

ul. Żukowskiego 64, Zaporoże, 69063, Ukraine


ORCID: 0000-0001-7604-549X

Maryna Gudz

Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Institute of Law and Management, Department of Economy and Customs

ul. Żukowskiego 64, Zaporoże, 69063, Ukraine


ORCID: 0000-0002-1454-4987

received:  22.10.2020
corrected:  07.11.2020
accepted: 25.11.2020
efficiency, quality management system, dairy enterprise, food industry, audit, management review.


The main aim of the study is to monitor the effectiveness of the quality management of consumer enterprises in order to achieve consumer safety and business profitability, as well as to maintain the company’s reputation in the market. The aim of the article is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management systems in companies in the food industry, focused on the continuous improvement which can be seen on the example of the organization of the dairy sector. The work uses general research methods - an analysis of the scientific literature on the essence of quality efficiency, alternative approaches to the assessment of effectiveness, as well as empirical methods - audits and reviews of Quality Systems Management at the dairy enterprise. A customer satisfaction survey was carried out - the most important issues related to mutual cooperation, i.e. employee competences and the level of customer service, product quality, as well as timely delivery. The control and assessment of the effects of activities is usually performed with the use of measurements that describe the phenomena being assessed and thus constitute a source of information on the achievements of individual departments of the enterprise. The results of the study - the handling of orders from regular customers improved significantly in 2018 compared to previous years, which could have been influenced by the adaptation of the IT system to an extensive logistics module, and here the survey reflects this as much as possible. Despite the fairly good quality of its products, the company does not keep up to date with changes in the market, not only in dairy products, but also in consumer or employee behavior. Although the company is aware of the problems which can be seen from the surveys, which show the changes taking place on the market, it is not able to counteract them quickly and this is the main goal of the company’s Quality Systems Management.


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