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Challenges connected with monitoring of smart specializations in less developed regions of the EU

Elżbieta Wojnicka-Sycz

University of Gdansk, Poland

ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 8, 80-309 Gdańsk

Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, e-mail:

ORCID: 0000-0002-0016-5580

Piotr Sliż

University of Gdansk, Poland

ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 8, 80-309 Gdańsk


ORCID: 0000-0001-6776-3369

Piotr Sycz

University of Gdansk, Poland

ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 8, 80-309 Gdańsk


ORCID: 0000-0002-9614-5065

received:  30.11.2020
corrected:  09.12.2020
accepted: 15.12.2020
smart specialization, innovation, Pomeranian.


The article presents the problems and challenges in the area of monitoring of smart specializations considered as priority areas of Regional Innovation Strategies for Smart Specializations (RIS3) based on the example of the Pomeranian Region of Poland. In the article general assumptions of designing a monitoring system as well as international recommendations and examples are presented with conclusions about the problems that are faced by less developed regions with fewer resources and traditions in gathering specialized data for monitoring of priority areas. The process of designing and caring on monitoring of smart specializations in Pomeranian region is presented with the an analysis of available data sources for monitoring indicators, their weaknesses and strengths.

Moreover, the authors’ proposition of a  monitoring system of priority areas of smart specializations in the Pomeranian region is presented based on the logic of indicators related to the resources, symptoms and effects of smart specializations.

The proposition also embraces additional sources of data other than the most widely used data from statistical offices, that is data from the Patent office, data bases of scientific publications, data on projects connected with basic research and others.

The applied research methods include analysis of literature, source materials and documents, as well as statistical data and other data (data on R&D projects, intellectual property rights protection, scientific publications, new business entities), which can be used for the monitoring system in terms of their strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of using smart specializations in less-developed regions of the EU in monitoring, based on the example of the Pomeranian Region


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