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Women expatriates and factors determining their careers in international corporations

Gabriela Strzelec

Wroclaw University of Economics and Business,

Wroclaw, Poland


ORCID: 0000-0001-5672-6925

exile, expatriates, international organizations, diversity.

Katarzyna Krysińska-Kościańska

Wroclaw University of Economics and Business,

Wroclaw, Poland

ORCID: 0000-0002-2679-1512

received:   15.09.2021
corrected:  25.10.2021
accepted: 05.11.2021


Many researchers see a potential in women’s competencies that can bring them tangible profits. Some notice that women are agents of change in the organization, and “female attributes and competencies” such as interpersonal skills, consensus ability, multitasking, empathy, teamwork are an essential supplement to the soft leadership model that appeared in the 1990s. Representation of women and the resulting symbolic status at higher organizational levels limit the development of their managerial careers in the longer term. Therefore, the main goal of this descriptive article was to define the factors determining the employment of expatriate women in international corporations.


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