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Human resource management after COVID-19. Future research directions and practical insights

Sylwia Przytuła

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland


ORCID: 0000-0002-9602-241X

human resources management, COVID-19, future research, systematic literature review (SLR).


received:   20.08.2021
corrected:  20.09.2021
accepted: 10.10.2021

The article aims to provide an overview of the current understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on (Human Resources Management) HRM, thus revealing the management challenges and future directions of research in this field. For this purpose, a systematic literature review (SLR) was used. The results show that the practical recommendations relate to employees, work, productivity, various types of support and communication. Future research on HRM after COVID-19 should focus on digitizing work; redesigning the work and content structure to be more remote, flexible and agile; health and safety issues will shape all HR practices; growing role of innovative HR strategies; there will be flexible rules for managing recruitment, retention and remuneration of employees; retraining and transformation of competency requirements, positive leadership; changing performance of management procedures; the growing role of individual and organizational learning


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