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Analysis and evaluation of functionality Survio and Google Forms programs

Wojciech Tutaj

The Max Weber Institute in Jedlina Zdrój, Warszawska 20, 58-330 Jedlina Zdrój, Poland


ORCID: 0000-0000-4398-4789

e-survey, development of e-surveys, Survio and GoogleForms


received:   30.04.2021
corrected:  11.05.2021
accepted: 27.05.2021

Collecting data, information about consumers’ attitudes, their preferences, as well as their opinions and assessments of products, prices, distribution or promotional narrative is increasingly becoming a challenge and a necessity for entrepreneurs. On the other hand, life more and more takes place in the virtual world, both professionally and privately - the Internet environment is becoming the first choice when we reach for everyday information, shopping, or contact with an employer or client. It is becoming necessary to conduct research in virtual space on an increasing scale. That is why there are more and more tools for building e-surveys. Their structure, functionality and ease of use are at different levels. The aim of this article is to analyze and evaluate two online survey tools, as well as to create a catalog of their improvements in building surveys for marketing purposes. The article presents the results of a study aimed at analyzing and evaluating the functionality of the platform solutions: Survio and GoogleForms. The article distinguishes several research areas: analysis and evaluation of “common” and non-standard solutions on two platforms: Survio and GoogleForms; identification of the advantages and disadvantages of individual functions used in the survey process by both platforms, as well as determination of the level of satisfaction with the use of both platforms, as well as identification of improvements proposed by users.


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